등재학술지 문화정책논총37집 2호 논문 공모 안내 

한국문화관광연구원에서는 문화정책분야 대표 학술지인 문화정책논총』 37집 2에 게재할 학술 논문을 공모합니다등재학술지문화정책논총은 다양한 분야의 학제 간 연구를 통해 문화정책의 현장과 학문세계 사이의 가교 역할을 도모하는 정책연구 전문 학술지입니다문화정책과 문화정책학의 발전에 기여할 수 있는 연구 성과를 문화정책논총에 적극 투고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

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 문화정책의 최근 이슈와 쟁점에 대한 연구 문화정책의 역사 및 방법론 

 문화정책에 대한 인문사회학적 고찰 해외 문화정책의 새로운 동향 및 시사점 

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 투고마감 : 2023. 6. 09() 18:00까지

 발 행 일 : 2023. 8. 31()

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 논문 투고 시,문화정책논총게재 논문 인용 권장

 -문화정책논총게재 논문은 한국학술지인용색인(KCI), DBPIA의 학술정보서비스로 제공

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2023년 04월 17

한국문화관광연구원 문화정책논총 편집위원회



KCI(Korea Citation Index)-accredited <The Journal of Cultural Policy> Vol. 37 No. 2


<The Journal of Cultural Policy> by the Korea Culture and Tourism Institute invites submissions of outstanding scholarly articles, which is the only academic journal in the field of cultural policy in Korea. KCI-accredited <The Journal of Cultural Policy> is the academic journal that presents professional policy research, acting as a liaison between the field and academia in cultural policy through interdisciplinary research in diverse academic areas. <The Journal of Cultural Policy> welcomes submissions of outstanding papers that aim to contribute to the development of cultural policy and cultural policy studies. 

 Theme: various research on CulturalPolicy


 Research on current issues of cultural policy / History and methodology of cultural policy

 Humanities & Sociological approach on cultural policy / New trends and implications of international cultural policies

Area: Culture and arts, cultural heritage, cultural industry, Media, local culture, cultural exchange, leisure culture etc. 

 Submission of paper

 Deadline: 18:00 June 09(Fri), 2023 

 Publication Date: August 31(Thu), 2023

 Qualification for submission: At least a master degree holder (incl. co-author)

 Fee: None for review and publication

 Manuscript length: up to 20 pages on A4 (Word-count: 6,000-7,000 words including Bibliography), or up to 150 pages on squared manuscript paper (in Korean) 

 Papers should be written in either Korean or English

 Submit the manuscript online at http://kcti.jams.or.kr (submission and review system)

 Submission materials: Application for submission, Article manuscript (deletion of personal data is necessary), Confirmation result of document similarity (https://www.kci.go.kr) * If the similarity of the document exceeds 15%, examination may be restricted.

 Required reading: Code of Research Ethics abidance (see homepage)

 Additional Information: 

 Application for submission, submission guideline: you may download them from homepage (https://www.kcti.re.kr) 

 Please make the best use of <The Journal of Cultural Policy> papers on citation 

 Please meet the submission deadline

 Papers published on <The Journal of Cultural Policy> are offered to KCI (Korea Citation Index) and DBPIA.

Request: 02) 2669-6916, rena8100@kcti.re.kr

April 17, 2023

Korea Culture and Tourism Institute Journal of Cultural Policy, Editorial Board